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The aims of this policy are to promote good behaviour amongst students, prevent bullying, ensure that students complete assigned work, and regulate the conduct of students. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of students, trainees, and employees, and to provide guidance on the actions to take under certain incidents. It is important for students, trainees, and employees to be part of the SJRC community without fear of:


  • Disruption of learning

  • Violence, bullying, or harassment from others

  • Criminal behaviour

  • Deliberate damage to property



All students and trainees at SJRC, both in-person and online, should accept that SJRC will institute disciplinary procedures if they are in breach of any rules and/or regulations.



The Director will:

  • Ensure that all employees and trustees understand the importance of good behaviour and understand Global Family’s policies on behaviour.

  • Communicate revised behaviour and attendance policies to employees and students as soon as possible.

  • Ensure that pastoral care employees are aware of the signs that students need mental health support. 


All employees will:

  • Observe and consider whether student behaviour might indicate they are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm. If yes, employees should follow the safeguarding policy and consider whether assessment or the provision of additional resources is necessary. 

  • Be aware of the signs that students need mental health support.

  • Provide additional support to students when necessary and appropriate.



The Director and Teachers will:

  • Ensure that students know, from their first class/lecture, that attendance is mandatory except where statutory exemptions apply.

  • Take the register at the beginning of each class/lecture.



Teachers have statutory authority to discipline students who display unacceptable behaviour or who break the rules.[1]


Who Can Implement Disciplinary Measures

Employees may implement disciplinary measures if they are:

  • The Director

  • A teacher

  • Security staff

  • Any other person delegated by the Director to implement disciplinary measures


Employees may:

  • Refuse to undertake a search if they are not a member of security staff


The Facility Manager will:

  • Provide an initial training to all employees who are delegated to implement disciplinary measures upon hire


When Discipline Can Be Implemented

Discipline must be implemented:

  • By a paid member of Global Family staff or a member of staff authoriSed by the Director.

  • On the school premises or while the student is under the charge of the member of staff.

  • In accordance with other legislation regarding disability, special education needs, equality, and human rights.

  • In a reasonable and proportionate manner to the offence, taking into consideration the student’s age, special educational needs or disabilities they may have, and religious requirements affecting them.[2]

How Discipline Can Be Implemented

Discipline must never be implemented:

  • Using corporal punishment, which is illegal.


Disciplinary measures may include:

  • A verbal reprimand

  • Extra work or repeating unsatisfactory work

  • The setting of written tasks, such as writing an essay

  • Loss of privileges (e.g. not being able to participate in extra-curricular activities)

  • In extreme cases, temporary or permanent exclusion


Searching and Screening

When to Search

Employees may:

  • Search a student for any item if the student agrees.

  • Search a student only on Global Family’s premises or where an employee has lawful control or charge of a student.

  • Search a student only if the employee is the same sex as the student being searched and there is a witness (another employee), preferably of the same sex as the student, present.

  • Search a student if the employee is a different sex as the student being searched and/or without a witness present only if there is risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if the search is not conducted immediately and where it is not reasonably practicable to summon another employee. 

    • In this case, the employee should remain considerate of the student’s expectation of privacy according to their age.


Employees may search without consent if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that a student possesses a prohibited item. Reasonable grounds may include the employee having heard other students talking about the item or noticing a student behaving in a way that suggests they have an item which may cause harm. Prohibited items include the following:


  • Knives and weapons

  • Alcohol

  • Illegal drugs

  • Stolen items

  • Tobacco and cigarette papers

  • Fireworks

  • Pornographic images

  • Any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence, cause personal injury, or damage property

During a Search

Employees may:

  • Not require students to remove any clothing other than outer clothing (“Clothing that is not worn next to the skin or immediately over a garment that is being worn as underwear but ‘other clothing’ includes hats; shoes; boots; gloves and scarves”[3]).

  • Search a student’s possessions, which includes goods and items over which the student has or appears to have control (e.g. desks and bags).


Confiscating Items

In response to a search, employees:

  • May seize any prohibited items or any item they consider harmful or detrimental to school discipline found as a result of a search.

  • Must hand weapons, knives, controlled drugs, stolen items, and child pornography over to the police.

  • May dispose of tobacco or cigarette papers, alcohol, fireworks, pornographic images (unless the possessions of which constitutes a specified offence like extreme or child pornography).


The Facility Manager will:

  • Provide a list of prohibited items to all students before they start classes at Global Family.



Employees will:

  • Know the names and roles of students and other employees.

  • Greet students when they come into the premises or classroom.

  • Ensure that all resources are prepared in advance.

  • Praise behaviour that you want to see more of.

  • Stay calm.

  • Have clear routines for transitioning and stopping classes.

  • Ensure that the premises are clean and well-maintained.

  • Praise good performance of other employees.[4]


The Director will:

  • Train and oversee pastoral care staff to provide academic and social support to students.

  • Ensure that students are provided with information on how to access medical and mental health supports. 


Employees will:

  • Remain open and available to talk to students if they need academic and social support, and be willing to help coordinate additional services if necessary.


The Director will:

  • Ensure that employees know Global Family’s obligations under the Equality Act 2010 regarding the safeguarding and respect of students with special educational needs (SEN).

  • Develop and coordinate the implementation of individualised plans for students with special educational needs in order to ensure that these students are provided with the most appropriate and effective supports.


Employees will:

  • Remain aware of students’ individualised plans for the provision of special educational needs and coordinate with the Director to implement such plans.

  • Observe whether the implementation of such plans is assisting students effectively, and if not, discuss with the Director whether and how their plans can be changed.


Pastoral care staff will:

  • Meet with students who have special educational needs at least monthly to discuss their progress, the effectiveness of their individualised plan and how it has been implemented by employees, and whether the student would like to request additional services.

  • Coordinate with the Director and other employees to obtain additional services if necessary.


[1] Section 90 and 91 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.

[2] Section 91 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.

[3] Department for Education (2018) Searching, Screening, and Confiscation. Available at:

[4] Department of Education. Getting the Simple Things Right: Charlie Taylor’s Behaviour Checklists. Available at:

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