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Ringmichon Keishing
Jul 28, 2021
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in India
Definition Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is treated as a criminal practice that involves violations of children’s...
Ringmichon Keishing
Mar 12, 2021
Human Trafficking and Smuggling as a ‘Continuum of Exploitation’
The term ‘Human Trafficking’ is largely used to encompass prostitution and sexual exploitation (1), sometimes ignoring other widespread...
Michele Heron
Feb 14, 2020
Review of the characteristics of human trafficking and anti-modern slavery interventions and policy
Modern slavery refers to slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking, as defined by the United Kingdom’s (UK) Mode
Charity Jensen
Dec 18, 2019
Community-Level Risk Factor Assessment
Introduction WHAT DOES ‘AT-RISK’ MEAN? ‘At risk’ is a common phrase used by researchers and practitioners in the anti-human trafficking...
Charity Jensen
Dec 18, 2019
A Case for Family Care
RESEARCH ON THE INSTITUTIONAL CARE OF CHILDREN The purpose of this section is to give a brief overview of the key findings of academic...
Charity Jensen
Oct 29, 2019
Evidence Based Practice
Guessing vs. Knowing In very rare circumstances will you choose to guess rather than know. The rise of evidence-based policy (EBP) and...
Research Updates
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